Patas Weekly Live
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About PATAS Inc.
We would like to warn the public that this is not the old PATAS founded in February 14, 2011 in Luneta Park, Manila. We just have the same acronym and that old group is gone. We would like to apologize for any confusion.
In 2017, with the permission from the old PATAS Board of Trustees and incorporators, the New PATAS was born in Mandaluyong City, Philippines instead.
Richard Dalida
Jhoana Paula Hicap
Justin Minoru Luna
Jan Mervynne Cabantog
Regie Pasion
Jahziel Tayco Ferrer
Lucky Lee Ballao
Joshua Dela Cruz
Notnot Geronilla
John Eric Santos
Jowie Jesoro
Events Photos
The most talented people take part in organization
Patas Weekly
Interested in calling into our live show?
Join us every Saturday, from 6PM to 8PM!
Step 1: Have a Discord account
Step 2: Wait for 30 minutes before the show to begin and join the “CALLER ON HOLD” channel under “:o: Live Show :o:”.
Step 3: Our call screener(s) will begin asking you what you would like to talk about, including your name and whether you’re an atheist or theist
Step 4a: Once screened, they will place you into the “SCREENED CALLERS” channel.
Step 4b: Wait for your turn to be asked to join the call by the host (we can’t promise to answer everyone’s call)
Step 5: Once on the live show, ensure that you have muted our live stream, and you are wearing headphones
Step 6: Enjoy and talk about your topic and/or anything the host asks you!
► Our show theme is always “tell us what you believe and why you believe it”.
► Your call doesn’t necessarily have to be on the topic of the initial discussion (if there was one).
► You can always change your topic prior to joining the live stream with the host. You’re not bound to your initial topic.
► Be fair to the host, and they will be fair to you. Otherwise, expect to get sh*t flung your way and get hung up on.